Sunday, October 16, 2011

Even More Strategies to Get an EMT or Paramedic Job

EVEN MORE STRATEGIES to Get An EMT or Paramedic Job

In my previous posts, I set out strategies that could land you the EMT or Paramedic job you want.  As the economy continues its contraction and budgets get tighter, competition for EMS Jobs has gotten more intense.  You must compete with displaced EMS providers from other agencies and possibly part-timers from the same agency who are looking for full-time employment.  The previous strategies were presented to get you on the “Short List” and invited for a 2nd interview.  This blog will focus on some unique strategies to use during the 2nd interview that will hopefully land you the job. 

First, “Play” to Win.  What?  You mean that some don’t interview with the intent to get the job?  No, it’s just that so many don’t interview to win.  Refine your responses to the audience you are in front of and for the job you are seeking.  Use proper grammar and do NOT use “big words” that you normally don’t use.  It’s ridiculous to act like someone you are not.  The interview(ers) will see right through that.  You’ll be pegged as a phony and lose the opportunity for the job.  Look at interview examples on YouTube to see good and poor interviewing technique.

Second, Do Not Repeat Your 1st Interview Answers.   You have advanced to the next step because of your 1st interview so don’t give the same answers to questions in the 2nd interview.  Too many candidates think that getting a 2nd interview or a “call-back” interview means that they have the job.  That is not necessarily true.  Your 2nd interview is conducted to elicit a deeper response to questions and often will include more situational or scenario based questioning. You must improve upon your 1st interview performance and tailor your responses to the position.  Be sure to give complete answers to the questions.  Most questions will have multiple parts so be sure to address each part and be certain that your response fits the job you are seeking.

Third, Dress for the Success You Want.   Take pride in yourself.  If you don’t dress appropriately it will affect how you are evaluated.  This doesn’t mean you dress in a Tuxedo, but it also means you don’t dress in worn out clothes or a collarless shirt.  You must “sell” yourself as the best person for the job so dress the part of being the best.  Remember that your hair must also look good.  Now, you could jump up and down and exclaim that you are an individual and it’s not fair that you have to conform to the expectation of others.  You could, but you’d probably not get the job.  If there is one point to think of as you prepare for and actually are involved in your interview is that “You Never Get a Second Chance To Make a First Impression.”  Again, take nothing for granted when interviewing, even if you “know” those who are conducting the interview.   

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